Friday, 30 August 2013


It's time to blog again hahah!
Well finals was passed and it's time to enjoy my holidays!

Before i start my topic abt sembreak, let's me say something abt final.
Im so lucky that i sit for 3papers this sem only due to another 2 subjects was FULL COURSEWORK.
Mayb some of you will think that 3 subjects very easy but actually u're wrong. We have to memorize damn lot of theory & those steps. Especially Global, that's killing! But anyway, everything comes to the end.

One months Semester break! 
Me & my classmates plan a 3D2N trip to Melacca (26~28 August 2013)

Actually i wanna blog all the details about the trip abt sry that im really lazy LOLL.
and ppl used to say " A picture worth than a thousand words ” so ya Let's see the pic!
While waiting for depart.

Bus ticket (quite shocks whn i saw my name there)

The first station : The orginal famous coconut shake at Klebang

While waiting for the drinks :D

Our Residence - River Song Residence (I'll recommened backpacker choose to stay in this residence, cuz the staff there were nice, friendly, the room was clean & price reasonable :D )

The second station : Jonker Walk

Durian Puff


The NIGHT. this is crazy scenes! hahahha

Roof top of the River Song Residence

Everyone of us feeling hungry in the middle of night, so decided to have our late supper at mamak which loacated just right opposite of our residence (cross a river lol)

Day 2 In melaka!

First time @Nadeja

Day 2 NIGHT. Satay Celup as our dinner. 
We ate 129 sticks and thx boss free us cocktails :D

2nd night.. Beer time & gossip!!!

Day 3.

3D2N Trip comes to the end. A group picture with da bitches!

Overall, a very good experience for me and them. Although i really feel behsong before the day to melacca.. i feel wan to ffk them due to some reason. But im glad that i joined them in the end.. An awesome & unforgettable sem break trip with da collegemates!!! 

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

End of Year 2 Sem1

相隔两个月 我又游回上来写部落~
不知不觉 又来到了Year2Sem1的尾段 随着时间的流逝 原来我在这学院(不!是大学)读了一年多 还剩下两个学期 我就要告别diploma的生涯 是否继续degree 那就看我面试成功或否 如果很幸运那就别浪费这个机会 如果不幸 那就唯有继续读degree 反正读书真的很好玩 读到是我的学问,知识!

话说 我真的很享受学院的生活 认识到一班大家口中的'傻海'..大家一起努力 奋斗 玩闹 认真 为的就是当初的目标! 认识到大家 真的是我的荣幸 :D
和他们相处 我变了蛮多的..从一个很卫生洁癖不吃人家口水 不用同个筷子汤匙的人 现在也进不了 因为他们 我开始没这个洁癖 虽然还是很抗拒 但起码他们要吃时我不看 然后不想太多 就let it go! 之前我是夸张到只要有人吃过我就整碗不要了..

这学期有五个科目 applied photography, Radio & DJ, IELTCS, Globalisation & communication , Broadcast Writing.

五科科目 都有它们各自的挑战性.
Applied Photography - 这科就如basic photography,但当然不如BP容易 都说了是 Applied photography咯..意思很明显的就是要photoshop edit那些啦~ 组员还是我们6位Moooooo~这科也是最破财的一科 出游拍摄 买材料 洗照片等等 一个人几乎用了RM30 贵啊! 要谢谢Ms LMP教导我们用ps..really amazing loll :)

Radio & DJ - 这个科目是由健美帅气tattoo的Mr.Wayne教lecture & practical 而tutorial就由年轻又好人好玩好谈的Mr.Shoban教. 看名字就应该知道学什么的吧? 出了关于电台的东西 这个课程最关注的其实是mock live assignment. 12~13人一组 要我们弄一个30min mock live 就如你听到的MYFM, HITZFM那些..我们学会了操作系统 录制 Audacity 还有团队精神! Overall 不错 很好的experience! 还有我的team是RIGHT FM!

IELTCS - 一个类似外国的英文考试 有speaking,listening,reading,writing test! 蛮无聊 但又很好玩 :) pic with Miss SRI

Globalisation & Communication - 这科目由Ms.Amanda教导..其实真的很难下 全部要很明白>< overall 不是很喜欢 :( but still hav to study hard and sit for final la!

Broadcast Writing (TV) - 这科我看到时我就有点完蛋了 一定要写很多东西 我又讨厌写的人! 但Surprise的是我们除了学基本的如何写TV Script,我们还要拍video那些! 第一个assigment是Pair assignment,就是学basic pan left&right, boom shoot, long shoot等等.我和looi同组 就选了用故事拍出来. 第二份assignment就是 写script然后拍TV news.蛮好玩咯 尤其superman那个新闻 哈哈! 第三个assigment就是要拍广告 但只需要拍照片弄故事就可以啦 我们是dynamo complete commercial. 
最后一个assigment是最好玩最有挑战性的! 拍一个3分钟Movie trailer OR 5分钟MUsic Video. 抽签选组员, 我,Jin,Jerry,Hanxin,Serene&Denzel同组..原本是打算做MV但老师说有三组用这首歌 所以我们就换movie trailer. 拍摄过程真的遇到满多问题..但也很顺利解决拉 然后我也不小心当了配角xD 虽然很多很多scenes临时删掉 然后editing时因为超过三分钟所以也被逼删掉很多 但overall不完美中也有不错的完美 出来虽然不是我们原本imagine的 但也不错..也好我们cut很多,不然就变微电影了! 😂😂 Screening Day那天, 真的很紧张 看到大家的作品都很好 自己也害怕起来..播出后听到蛮多人说不明白故事内容 但trailer不是要哪样吗?让人想继续追看下去 xD 但也听到很多的好评语 尤其是seniors! 虽然我们不是最好 但我们花了很多afford..虽然很多mistake 但我也会从错误中学习 (: anyways really thx Sujin!! Really!! And feel guilty :( hahaha

<SCARS裂恒> official on YOUTUBE & FACEBOOK!

最后 这学期也这样结束了 接下来就好好温习 准备Final吧!!!!!